By tictacnose - 08/01/2012 00:33 - Canada

Today, my sister attacked me and stuffed a Tic Tac up my nose. I'm currently in the hospital waiting to have it removed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 489
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dva976 7

U couldn't have shot it out your nostril? It's only a tic-tac.


Your sister is an evil genius. If the tic tac was minty it may have irritated the nasal passage causing swelling and making it impossible to just blow that little sucker out. And it may be shoved in there sideways as well

KiddNYC1O 20

My little brother once threw a steel butter knife at me and it was headed towards my mouth- I caught it with my teeth. I swear on everything I've got.

Ouch! That could dissolve to a point then get stuck and become a huge infection.

You should have rocketed out the tic tac in to her mouth.

Awww sisterly love. Guess you'll be smelling oranges or mint everytime you breathe.

If you wanted to get it out, completely plug the opposite nostril and have someone you really trust and are comfortable with blow into your mouth like you're giving CPR. It'll shoot right out.

To paraphrase Walter Cunningham in "To Kill a Mockingbird": If you can't defend yourself against a girl, you're just gonna have to take it.