By tictacnose - 08/01/2012 00:33 - Canada

Today, my sister attacked me and stuffed a Tic Tac up my nose. I'm currently in the hospital waiting to have it removed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 489
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dva976 7

U couldn't have shot it out your nostril? It's only a tic-tac.


Nickramos 0

Bitch please a tic tac would melt in your snot.

hateevryone 14

what the hell is wrong with her?

You can't get a tic tac out of your nose??

HaleyXx_fml 11

And you let your sister to that????? When me and my sister fight I win :) currently there is a huge dent in her door and a broken $150 hair straightener.

OMG OMG I POSTED THIS!!! THIS IS SO COOL I POSTED THIS FML!!!! But I wrote it from my seven-year-old brothers perspective. So I'm the one that stuffed the tic tac up his nose.

you shoved an orange tic-tac up his nose didnt you?

._. Yup some sibling rivalry there, get her back xD

obviousboy 8

Pour water up your nose very slowly. It will dissolve the tic tac. Dillwad.

Step 1 - breathe in deeply through your mouth. Step 2 - clench your belly muscles while holding that deep breath in. Step 3 - close off the nostril without the tic tac lodged in it. Step 4 - exhale as forcefully as possible.