By tictacnose - 08/01/2012 00:33 - Canada

Today, my sister attacked me and stuffed a Tic Tac up my nose. I'm currently in the hospital waiting to have it removed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 489
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dva976 7

U couldn't have shot it out your nostril? It's only a tic-tac.


linkinpark98 23

Sounds like something my sister would do....

My sister once got a pea stuck so far up her nose it took 3 doctors to remove it. Fyl, hope it was an orange one!

bangyomango 0

This happend to me once to but with a piece of corn when I went to the doctors they told me I would eventually sh!t it out haha ;)

What the hell did you do to deserve such treatment?? Man! She's violent as!!