By chumpslolo - 25/07/2013 10:55 - United States - Vandalia

Today, my sister backed out of my wedding because it was becoming too much about me. After I begged her to reconsider, I had no choice but to pick a new bridesmaid. When my new bridesmaid posted on Facebook how excited she was, my sister commented, "See, you made HER feel special." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 608
You deserved it 4 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

Wow what a drama queen. It's YOUR day OP so forget her and congrats!

She doesn't deserve to be in the wedding then, OP.


Make sure you have glow sticks at the reception so she can break them and pour them on her for even more attention.

sugarbear0727 19

Sorry your sister is a self-centered bitch. Don't let her come to the wedding at all.

imtooshy 18

I'm not sure how old your sister is but she needs to really grow up, your wedding=your day and she should stop her crying bitching ass and actually be a supportive sister. Smfh. Sorry OP, I hope your wedding is spectacular :)

I have to wonder if your sister has always felt so entitled... Clearly has some jealousy issues here... Ah well, hopefully she doesn't do something stupid like show up in a white dress...

Your sister has issues and needs some therapy. When it comes to my sister I'd do anything for her happiness.

PiQo 6

What a selfish bitch! Don't let ANYONE ruin your day...

It's your day, OP. Don't let your drama queen sister get in the way!