By chumpslolo - 25/07/2013 10:55 - United States - Vandalia

Today, my sister backed out of my wedding because it was becoming too much about me. After I begged her to reconsider, I had no choice but to pick a new bridesmaid. When my new bridesmaid posted on Facebook how excited she was, my sister commented, "See, you made HER feel special." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 608
You deserved it 4 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feldco1 17

Wow what a drama queen. It's YOUR day OP so forget her and congrats!

She doesn't deserve to be in the wedding then, OP.


It's YOUR wedding. Did she honestly expect it to be about her?

allisadawn91 8

Hey, it's YOUR day. I know you want you sister there, but you don't need that drama. Those things just need to be let go :/

Your sister is selfish, your wedding is supposed to be just about you. Enjoy your special day :)

Honestly, I'm sure OP will just be thinking about how her sister did this during her actual wedding. She may not be the bridesmaid anymore, but it'll probably still impact her negatively. In a way, it's like "Not feeling bad until it actually happens, and then feeling bad even though you shouldn't"

kosmatic 6

Wtf is wrong with your sister

kosmatic 6

Wtf is wrong with your sister

You did nothing wrong. Your sister is a self centered whiner.

If there's anything tv has taught me, it is about you. And only about you. The groom just supplies the guy in the suit up at the altar

... and has an awesome party the night before.

jackiex3bear 9

Enjoy your big day! Your sister is being stupid!