By FATS DOMINO - 20/10/2011 15:39 - United States

Today, my sister finally broke down and told me that our dad gambled away of all my college savings, and I would have to pay for school the best way I can. They have known for months, and when I asked why nobody told me, the reply was, "You're a college boy, we thought you would figure it out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 612
You deserved it 2 449

Same thing different taste

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Question, was it money THEY were saving for you in a joint account or was it money YOU saved yourself in your own personal account? If it was money that YOU saved yourself, then yes FYL indeed since he stole the money. If not and it was their money to begin with then there's not much you can do. @22 & 17: It could have very well been the money OP was saving himself (as in worked for) in an account with his parents name on it or an account that his parents had access to, hence my question. If it wasn't his own money, yes your comments stand. If it was, then it really is an FML. Furthermore, it's kind of hard for him to start working now or getting student loans now since it's all ready Oct. and school HAS started (unless Jan. start date). Student loans can't be applied for now (I don't think) so either way it's not his fault if he wasn't told.

Maybe it's time to have the "talk"! You can sit your dad down and talk about the danger's of gambling and how negative outcomes of such addictions can have consequences to people he loves around him!

It's pretty sad when your own parents keep something like that from you instead of just telling you the truth. What they did was wrong but you can still apply for student loans and all that good stuff.

musicalmaggs 0

Omg thats horrible! Id be so pissed!

FYL having to deal with those assholes. -_-' I hope you can make it work though; it'd be a shame if you didn't get to go to college because your dad's a compulsive gambler and the rest of your family is the epitome of epic failure...

curiouslywaiting 0


Get a sawed-off shotgun and kill the no good ******