By FATS DOMINO - 20/10/2011 15:39 - United States

Today, my sister finally broke down and told me that our dad gambled away of all my college savings, and I would have to pay for school the best way I can. They have known for months, and when I asked why nobody told me, the reply was, "You're a college boy, we thought you would figure it out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 612
You deserved it 2 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I had the same thing. I had worked since I was a freshman in HS and I gave my Mom all my checks to put in the bank to save for college. When I turned 18 I only at $11.78 in the account.

Sometimes parents are more immature and waste more money on themselves rather than thinking of there Childs education

TheDrummingResul 0

Your dad is a ******* deadbeat. Pin his hand to a counter with a knife.

Well you aren't if they can't get you into college...

He "gambled away of all" the college money? Yeah, it's not worth sending you anyway..

humanlegacy333 5

So that how I got that money from the black jack table.

leadman1989 15

Well go and occupy wall street. Hopefully they actually get the government back under our control instead of corporate control (which is unlikely) if they do education should be cheaper and more people will have access. :D

You might want to give some thought to why everyone else in your family is white while you're Asian, why you don't show up in any family photos until you're about 3 years old, and why they always ask you to clean the cellar when the gubbermint men come around.

Feel privileged you had college funds to begin with.