By cricketsins - 14/05/2015 05:11 - United States

Today, my sister told me she found my escaped tarantula and put it in a box on my bed. I never had a tarantula, and the box was empty when I checked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 577
You deserved it 2 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this was a prank, your sister is an evil, evil genius.

Prank? I'm sure if she is your sister she would know if you had a pet one or not


To those wondering: The prank is you tell someone you found their tarantula and put it on their bed. In reality you put an empty box on their bed. Now you have someone freaked out but there is not really a tarantula. Well played.

Why would you check, I would've chucked the thing out the window after I weld the box shut

dDailydDosage 8

This would be such a good prank... If there isn't a real tarantula involved...