By Fatty - 06/03/2010 13:05 - United States

Today, my six year old daughter cut out the stomach area of four of my favorite shirts. When I asked her why she had done so she replied, "So that they fit your tummy better, Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 182
You deserved it 6 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she was wrong but her heart was in the right place. Besides, she's saving the rest of us from having to see you in a shirt so small that even a child can see it doesn't fit.


Ninjasaurus18 9

I hate kids. Always have, always will. It's 'the adult that survived' or 'the adult child' that I love.

Awwww, she was just trying to be helpful!!

I mean, FYL, but that's kind of adorable and sweet. I'm sure your daughter didn't mean to be mean. She just wanted to help.

Everybody~ it doesn't mean her shirts are to small, she could just be a little overweight and her child wants her to be able to breath better. Or, for what I imagine it as, she is pregnant and not wearing maternity. But that is not true but that be an lol