By Shitty genes, no two ways about it. - 27/04/2013 00:21 - Australia - Perth

Today, my son had to help out at the local retirement home for his community service. He got in serious trouble and came whining to me about it after he tried threatening some of the residents into taking part in a Harlem Shake video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 067
You deserved it 6 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

The poor elderly. After they've lived so long they get harassed by a teenager to do a Harlem shake video.


kitsune3 20

And now we see WHY he's doing community service. Clearly your son is a trouble-making little douche, and you need to step up and discipline him.

You need to whup your son's ass. Quit letting society be his ******* parent.

PH4NX0M 16

Well they should of listened.

radgirl101 1

that is sooooooooooooo funny

radgirl101 1

that is sooooooooooooo funny

Some schools require community service. Sometimes you can be a good parent but outside factors can cause a kid to go down the wrong path.