By Shitty genes, no two ways about it. - 27/04/2013 00:21 - Australia - Perth

Today, my son had to help out at the local retirement home for his community service. He got in serious trouble and came whining to me about it after he tried threatening some of the residents into taking part in a Harlem Shake video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 073
You deserved it 6 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

The poor elderly. After they've lived so long they get harassed by a teenager to do a Harlem shake video.


That dance is really dead.. Be thankful your kid didn't make them do gentleman or gangnam style. That would be heart attack or broken bone inducing for sure. Some serious grounding and talking to is need though!

brandonkb93 5

******* kids these days. All they care about is stupid-ass viral videos.

Wow. You sure raised a whiny winner there. Time for a LOT of tough love. Something you should have done while the little fink was growing up.

troadidian 2

Should have taught him better.

late and just plain wrong they are too old to do that kind of stuff