By Shitty genes, no two ways about it. - 27/04/2013 00:21 - Australia - Perth

Today, my son had to help out at the local retirement home for his community service. He got in serious trouble and came whining to me about it after he tried threatening some of the residents into taking part in a Harlem Shake video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 073
You deserved it 6 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

The poor elderly. After they've lived so long they get harassed by a teenager to do a Harlem shake video.


c4rpi0 20

Threat?? Dang and harlem shake videos are kinda old now

c4rpi0 20

Haha exactly I'm pretty sure everyone is curious what the threat was

The kid is automatically an idiot not because he wanted to make a Harlem Shake video, but because he had the unmoral gall to threaten the elderly. The bastard.

Something like: "Harlem shake or no bingo!" Cause how else would he do it! ( if it wasn't a violent threat, hoping it wasn't)

You all have two choices, 1) shake your asses Harlem style, or 2) pull a week worth of landscaping duties.

\ 28

The gene pool has too much genetic urine in it. Time for more chlorine.

\ 28
NickaPLZ 26

FYL for sure, but as for him, he deserved it.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

I know the the "YDI for raising him that way" comments are coming, so I would just like to say right now that you can be the best parent in the world and still have little to no control over your childs actions... your offspring are individual people, and teenagers can be stupid as ****. So OP, I'm gonna say FYL because having a moron for a kid sucks.

tjv3 10

This is why animals sometimes eat their young

challan 19

Just another child that didn't get his ass beat enough, if ever. Yell at me if you want people, but you need to be raised to show respect. My mom wouldn't have taken that from me.


If I have any I wouldn't beat my children but I would show them to respect their elders respect. I have a loud voice that scares kids any way so I don't need to.

challan 19

Most times threats work enough, but they need to know that you'll spank that butt. I coach, and my little guys and gals that have unattentive parents, or ones that let the child walk all over them, are hellions. I ALWAYS know which kids are raised with a firm but gentle hand.

CharresBarkrey 15

37 - It's not 100% parenting. My parents didn't hit me, yell at me, or anything like that, and I was a very well behaved kid. I was just super shy. So don't go jumping to assumptions that parents are good or bad based on their child's actions.

That's funny, challan, because your parents seem to have raised a clueless, arrogant shitstain. I mean, I'm much the same, but at least I'm not quite on the same level of hypocritical fuckface about it.

Atchoo 8

"Shitty genes" has nothing to do with it. He's your kid; he's your responsibility. Man up.

I really hope you took away all electronic devices and grounded him from the internet for at least 6 months. Even if its for homework, it maybe the fastest way to do research but librarys still exsist. Unfortunatly for you you have to find a way to make sure he is supervised at all times.