By Shitty genes, no two ways about it. - 27/04/2013 00:21 - Australia - Perth

Today, my son had to help out at the local retirement home for his community service. He got in serious trouble and came whining to me about it after he tried threatening some of the residents into taking part in a Harlem Shake video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 067
You deserved it 6 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

The poor elderly. After they've lived so long they get harassed by a teenager to do a Harlem shake video.


Well it's basically an excuse to act retarded for 30 seconds; hope you never have to know more!

YDI for raising him badly. He shouldn't be doing community service in the first place!

LazyDaisy42 4

Why not? Who says he's doing it as punishment? There are lots of other reasons, it looks great on college applications, its required for some school clubs, and its a generally nice thing to do. OP's kid could be doing it for any of those reasons and more!

As a matter of fact, in Ontario, you must do a certain numer of community service hours in high school to receive your diploma.

My high school in California required community service for graduation. And even after that, I volunteer every now and then to clean up a beach or a school or whatever. Someone raised you badly if you think giving back to the community is nothing more than a punishment.

I don't do harlem shake videos anymore.. Not since.. The accident

The accident being that you did a Harlem sjake video?

VentiAnemoi 20

At least he didn't want to make a Justin Bieber music video.

The bigger question is, how poorly did you raise him that he would get in trouble and have to do community service?

ileenefudge 29

You can be the best parent in the world and still have a child or children that take the wrong path and end up in a lot of trouble because of rebellion, peer pressure ect.

Some school systems require a certain number of community service hours to be performed in order to graduate. Both my elementary and high schools had that as a requirement (they were both Catholic). I hope this clears that up for you. :3

BadLuckDude12345 14

What the **** is wrong with your kid???????