By Anonymous - 16/06/2012 00:00 - United States - Medina

Today, my son paid the price for emulating his idols, aka the sub-human scum on Jersey Shore. He called me from jail and actually had the balls to try to guilt me into bailing him out, after he'd been arrested for punching his girlfriend at a liquor store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 582
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyJay 3

Leave him there. Punk bitches hit women...

calaholic35 0


Nothing worse than a woman-beater. Figuratively.

Well Jersey Shore is pointless and stupid anyway!

darth1 18

Leave him there, hope he rots.

If you dont idolize them you wobt know why. Let me tell you this they do what they please and dobt care what people think. Isnt that what we teach peole to do? What makes you happy and not to listen to what others think?

Stop trying to defend them. They're idiots. And sorry, but you're kind of an idiot for idolising them. They have NO CLASS. That is NOT a good thing. These comments of yours show your immaturity. Clearly you and the people on Jersey Shore have that in common.

We also teach people good morals and not to just up and attack people, too. It doesn't matter how free you are, freedom is a privilege not to to be abused.

kandi_kid69 15

89- won't, don't, people* There shouldn't be a reason to idolize them. They're idiotic people with no morals. Yes, people are usually taught to not care what other people think and to do what makes you happy but that doesn't mean to act like an immature child. Ops son deserves it for hitting his girlfriend though.


ALL CAPS RAGE! Also, they are douche bags regardless of whether or not they hit women.

kandi_kid69 15

202- Are you yelling at us with Caps lock? We honestly don't care if they hit women or not. Like 211 said, they're still douches regardless. And why would we want to watch that show? It'll most likely make our brain cells *poof* within the first five minutes.

201- I'm a what? First of all, "immulated" is not a word. Second of all, self IMMOLATION is a form of protest, by setting oneself on fire. You are dumb. I can see why you idolise the cast of Jersey Shore.

What the **** ever yer just jelly poo cause yer ugli abd wish ye looked perdy like snooki or jwoww

She may be pretty but nit compared to snooki or jwoww

nerdywhiteguy 4

Let him rot in jail he deserved It for following those alcoholic idiots

peve3 12

Jersey Shore is probably the most pointless show I have ever seen. Why someone would want to imitate those immature people is beyond me!

A) bitch i lpve the jersey shore casts they are my udols B) when has Mike ever hit a girl?

I'm sure it would have gotten out if one of them had beat a girl. It always does. Edit: the **** is happening with the app tonight? This was a reply to 85

We don't know that for sure. The camera shows what the camera wants to show.