By Anonymous - 16/06/2012 00:00 - United States - Medina

Today, my son paid the price for emulating his idols, aka the sub-human scum on Jersey Shore. He called me from jail and actually had the balls to try to guilt me into bailing him out, after he'd been arrested for punching his girlfriend at a liquor store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 582
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyJay 3

Leave him there. Punk bitches hit women...

calaholic35 0


Well look on the bright side, he probably should already be in jail just for watching that show.

MrRager7 1

Guess he fist pumped her face.

What about equality? All that matters is that he hit someone

thats ****** up, you shouldnt bail him out to teach him a lesson

133- Uh, actually, in lion prides (groups), the lionesses are the hunters, not the lion. He mates and fights, but doesn't hunt. Bad example, friend. ;)

Edit: App seems to be screwy. I certainly wasn't attempting to post my reply to 133 here.... :p

K_kanaka 26

Your son is worst than the sub-scum bag on Jersey Shore. At least they don't hit girls.

TheFamilyElf 17

Actually 133, lionesses do usually do the hunting in lion prides, if I am not mistaken. Just saying:)

143- Aye, that's what I was saying. Lioness = Hunter. Lion = Free Loader. ;) It was all a reply to #133 that just posted in the wrong location anyways. :)

Leave that punk in jail ,he can hit a girl but than calls mommy to get him out of jail . What a pussy ,he should never put his hands on a female .

mscat 0

You go girl! Tough love, dear