By parenting_failure - 20/03/2011 16:10 - France

Today, my son was on Facebook while he was supposed to be studying. He called me a liar and accused me of making up excuses to chew him out. How do I know he was online? He liked and commented on a video I posted. My son is a dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 099
You deserved it 8 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwincessa23 1

yes but the fact that someone is stupid might not have anything to do with who raised them.


smexiibabe22 0
missawesome16 0
chlobo13 0

stupidity isn't hereditary. -.-'

#78, please change your profile picture. Because quite frankly, it's making me gag. Go change your top and put your boobs away, there's no-one to impress on here, I'm afraid.

chlobo13 0

that's natural, there's nothing to "put away", sorry.

no one asked if they were natural or not.. go put on a shirt that actually covers your "natural" ****. welcome to the world of self respect

totally agree. no one wants to see that crap. it labels you a **** anyway. save it for someone who gives a shit.

Next time you tell your kid to do some studying maybe you should disable the internet. If the kid has a computer in his room, take it out. Same with his phone. Take it away. Unless kids have bought the computer and/or phone and is paying for the services, they should not have a computer in their room or their own cellphone. Too many spoiled brats these days. And obviously, they are becoming more stupid. It's a shame.

"They are becoming more stupid"...says the person whose profile description consists of "I like cream cheese."

Brooke__Lynn 5

I love how you can say that but still be on the Internet. I agreed with some points but you just make it sound stupid and I bet that your parents bought you things and spoiled you too. I doubt that you studied willingly also.

redneck14 11

get over yourself. being spoiled is so much better than being like you for example.

Sometimes studying has to be done on the Internet. Many teachers nowadays put their study guides as online practice tests or give interactive websites to learn the material.

erongetti 2

I don't understand why kids/teens can't just admit when they're wrong. If you're caught red-handed just man-up & take your lumps.

guestxxx 0

I agree, I always admitted wrong when I was caught. That's why I only got grounded for 2 hour when I stole my parents' car.

goza27 0

Did you punch him? «--------stolen

VaBeach182 0

wooah calm down dude. it's a kid and obviously not a very bright one. cut him a lil slack

Madisol 0
aeryn_love 4

interesting - I mod'd this FML yesterday. " He called me a liar and accused me of making up excuses to chew him out." wasnt a part of the original. Now I wonder if he reposted, or if Fmylife adds things to make the posts more interesting.

Better to realize something like that at a young age.