By ughno - 21/02/2010 19:50 - United States

Today, my step-mom yelled at me for an hour, calling me a slut because our male dog saw me naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 836
You deserved it 3 366

ughno tells us more.

wow this has just turned into a bug argument over who's state it better hahaha

Top comments

x805xUnknown 6

Your such a *****!! How could you do that?!

Ask your step mom how many of her ex-boyfriend were dogs...


tzunami 0

what the **** ever, I'm sure something else was going on between you two other wise she wouldn't have yelled at you for an hour

Wow.....well your step mother is obvioslly just yelling at you for the sake of getting mad, maybe even venting out HER problems out on you, mostly because I very much doubt that if your dog saw you naked if shouldn't make much of a difference, it is not as if a human man saw you naked.Even then... that would not be a valid excuse to call you such names. And to go as far as calling you such names as you stated, that is just very low of her and shows her igorance and lack of common sense.

AquaB 0

your stepmother Is ridiculous

mjolene 0

haha Texas sucks, and so does California