By ughno - 21/02/2010 19:50 - United States

Today, my step-mom yelled at me for an hour, calling me a slut because our male dog saw me naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 836
You deserved it 3 366

ughno tells us more.

wow this has just turned into a bug argument over who's state it better hahaha

Top comments

x805xUnknown 6

Your such a *****!! How could you do that?!

Ask your step mom how many of her ex-boyfriend were dogs...


doof_fisch 2

Of course your stepmom would get mad at you --- You made her wiener dog get long and hard.

kaylalay91 0

wow... that's really stupid of your step mom

I can deducted from this story that there is only one Bitch in your house.

jasoncard33 0

Reminds me of Victorian age prudishness. Did you know table skirts were to keep people from seeing table legs and that what you put in a roasted bird was called 'dressing' because calling it 'stuffing' was considered too obscene?