By ohdang - 01/03/2012 17:12 - United States

Today, my therapist clapped for me when I told her I'd made a friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 466
You deserved it 3 991

Same thing different taste


Awww. Well isn't there a reason you need therapy in the first place? Might as well embrace it...

DJRhetorical 4

It's funny when two things independently of each other are good but when combined turn into an FML. Look at the bright side you've made a friend And made progress in therapy.

If it makes you feel better, I clapped for you too.

perdix 29

Your therapist will be less impressed when she finds that you made your friend out of mashed potatoes -- with peas for eyes and spaghetti for hair.

FinJage 18

I don't think her expectations are that high.

atomicbaboon 0

she was probably expecting a friend like chip, penny, or used napkin

perdix 29

#36, she was probably was impressed that the "friend" was made of matter.


Ghosts don't make the best friends OP.

GoW_Chick 14

But they make great lovers, and help you with your pottery. :)

GoW_Chick 14

Op- "yeah his name is Cali, he's very loving, and listens to me when I talk." Therapist- " this is great, where did you two meet?" Op- "oh he was rummaging through my trash and he was just so cute I had to bring him inside and give him a saucer of milk, we've become great friends." Therapist- "Cali isn't human is he...?" *facepalm*

it's cruel because robokid only has stray animal friends, not human ones, so your joke hit a little too close to home for him.

HotCheetos22 4

So? Go have fun with your new friend. ^.^ Hopefully some of her friends become your friends.

MissHayleyJames 7

Hey when you don't have many friends, it's exciting to make a new one. I only have 2 friends that aren't employees and one of them is going to be one of my employees in the future hopefully. Then my third friend is one of our employees so it's exciting to get a new one!