By ohdang - 01/03/2012 17:12 - United States

Today, my therapist clapped for me when I told her I'd made a friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 466
You deserved it 3 991

Same thing different taste


I used to have friends like you. Till I took an arrow to the knee.

Mrbeaverduck 0

that's one more than me... :( lol

Yay for you!!! My friend made me cry today.

you ought to make friends with organ guy a few fmls down :) and also, it's better to have a few good friends than loads of crappy ones.

KiddNYC1O 20
atomicbaboon 0

i don't see the fml here. i throw a party whenever i make an imaginary friend. would you have preferred her booing you?

wolfette0008 1

Why the FML, OP? You got a new friend and an ovation. Good job!

jeob1992 8

Not a FML.... They were supportive it's a good YDI way to go I know it can be hard

As belittling As that probably dealt at least your on the road to progress :)

ImSoEffedUp 10

U deserved that clap.... Friends, they are very hard to come by.... Real ones anyway....