By laxie - 27/10/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, my three-year-old decided to dump the entire contents of her cereal box onto the kitchen floor because she was looking for a "prize." The only prize we found was a huge dead cockroach, which she promptly stuck in her mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 204
You deserved it 3 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You need to take that back to the store. Clearly, you should be getting a LIVE, huge cockroach! What fun for a child is a dead one? She should have to run it down, capture it, kill it while enjoying it's little roachy screams and then eat it. No wonder kids are so soft, fat and lazy these days, we taking all the joy out of childhood by giving them cereal will pre-killed roaches. Thanks for making Texas proud.

**** HER life! lol :) Gross, though. Did she spit it out or did you have to fish it out of her mouth?


Serve that up with some melted chocolate and bon appetite.

I have a 3 year old sister, and she's not that stupid - hasn't been since she was 1! either you're lying, or you have a really stupid kid.

I think a lot of people who submit stuff on here in the 'kids' category have really stupid kids. Just sayin'...

Ahahahaha. This is one of the funniest FMLs yet -- such a perfect image.

If you dont have kids, you really shouldnt be judging. I'm guessing this was a boy.... Boys and girls are very different. When I was three I would have screamed until the bug was gone. I have a 3 year old son who still puts everything in his mouth and picks up everything * including a snake, he must of thought I enjoyed it despite my screams of horror and terror* Kids do things very fast, doesnt mean the mom wasnt watching her kid. roaches really arent a sign of a messy house. they're everywhere. including most of the restuarants you eat at. they hide in the walls and where its dark. OP, be happy that happened because you guys would have been eating that cereal not knowing what a gross thing was in there.

EW!!!! You need to take your child to the doctor or mental examination! Maybe you should get one too for being more upset about her finding it now instead of later! DON'T YOU KNOW THEY CARRY DISEASES!  Stupid Bitch!

Horrible parental influence. Allowing them to just dump food that someone else who may be starving could use is just wasteful and cruel. Then eating a Cockroach, you realize how much disease is carried by them? Very bad parenting. I blame you for not teaching your daughter better.

You are actually a ******* idiot! They are 3 years old and dont know any better

They thought it was a prize. A prize is normally made of plastic. Not teaching your kid not to eat plastic is bad parenting.

Where the hell are you buying your cereal?!

dramakat11 0

Ewww! Was the cockroach actually in the cereal or just already on the ground?

f_my_flip_life 5

Most of the prizes in cereal boxes are toys anyway so why the hell would the child put it in their mouth even at age three?? Somebody is clearly not educating their child properly...