By laxie - 27/10/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, my three-year-old decided to dump the entire contents of her cereal box onto the kitchen floor because she was looking for a "prize." The only prize we found was a huge dead cockroach, which she promptly stuck in her mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 204
You deserved it 3 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You need to take that back to the store. Clearly, you should be getting a LIVE, huge cockroach! What fun for a child is a dead one? She should have to run it down, capture it, kill it while enjoying it's little roachy screams and then eat it. No wonder kids are so soft, fat and lazy these days, we taking all the joy out of childhood by giving them cereal will pre-killed roaches. Thanks for making Texas proud.

**** HER life! lol :) Gross, though. Did she spit it out or did you have to fish it out of her mouth?


#38 im pretty sure she didnt just let her dump them she did when she turned around or somthing, the kid reach for the box, dumped it and grabbed the cockroch before the parent could stop her.

You people that are saying this is a stupid kid, or that OP is a bad parent are idiots. My cousin, who is now a pediatrician, used to go around and eat all the bugs she could find, including the windowsills of houses. It's gross, but it's normal for a young child. Get over yourselves and learn something before you post about it.

X_o_X_ocutie 0

anything for a child's happiness right? Haha

Parazad 16

You didn't think to stop her?

pippacrawford 4

I can believe this. My aunt told me how my little cousin used to eat snails in the yard when her back was turned. Some kids will try to eat anything.

Well that's a series of unfortunate events...