By Angie - 24/03/2011 19:07 - South Africa

Today, my twelve year old neighbour decided to give a Hannah Montana concert in her backyard, starring herself. Unfortunately, she only knew three lines of the song "The Best of Both Worlds" and screamed them repeatedly at the top of her lungs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 403
You deserved it 4 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to the concert - show her how it's done !

sofiainthesun 5

It looks like you have the best of both worlds!


I would just sing along, except that I would sing with death metal vocals >:D That should scare the kid away.

volleychick55 0

wow I'm sorry but then again she's only 12 so maybe just blast some of your music??

So it sucks when some untalented kid repeatedly screams the first three lines of a song.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Why would you do that? She's 12.

WickedPixie 0

Zooozi - Anyone who tries to go "first!" in a forum is a sad, pathetic **** who shouldnt be allowed on the internet. Grow up. OP - Do the right thing. Strangle your neighbor and put all surrounding parties out of their misery.

jadenstigman 0

call in a Libyan coalition airstrike on her concert

b3ll4b00 0

ew what 12 tear old girl still actually like Miley. shes a horrible influence and a ****. sure the stripper pole was for "balance" at the kids choice awards. im 12 and I think Miley is the worst role model Disney has offered to kids. but thats not Disney's fault its Miley's so and I knew all of those song lyrics before she turned into the person she is now. which was like 3 years ago.

Lubpynk 0

Good for her for not caring what anyone thinks and singing in her back yard :) I mean as long as it wasn't late or you have a sleeping baby then who cares right?! YDI if she annoys you that much!

Madmattmania 0

No offense but don't u have 2 be rich 2 have a computer in africa

Hand her a lyrics sheet. She might get embarrassed enough to shut up. If not, bribe her with cookies.