By Angie - 24/03/2011 19:07 - South Africa

Today, my twelve year old neighbour decided to give a Hannah Montana concert in her backyard, starring herself. Unfortunately, she only knew three lines of the song "The Best of Both Worlds" and screamed them repeatedly at the top of her lungs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 403
You deserved it 4 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to the concert - show her how it's done !

sofiainthesun 5

It looks like you have the best of both worlds!


this is where you break out the bong and show her how to truly impersonate her idol.

emodude44 0

Lord have mercy on your soul...

Not just boerewors, it's ''oesophagus'' here too.

TraceCase_ 19

C'mon, did that really make ur life worse? I bet u got a laugh. I wish the 5 kids that live next door to me were that innocent. They're all dicks on a mission to ruin the neighborhood! Dammit, FML!

naughty101 8

save her from embaressment and buy her an actual hm wig..

In that case, that must have been a dang good impersonation of Miley Cyrus!!

kaleighhhjj 0

she's 12? that's something maybe a 7 year old would do. I'm almost 13 and would never do something like that and neither would anyone else in my whole grade..,

BottuhlRockit 0