By momof2boys - 19/01/2010 09:59 - United States

Today, my two boys decided to draw in permanent marker on the leather seats of the car I have had up for sale for 3 weeks with no interest. I call my husband to tell him we're going to have to keep it. He just made an appointment with a guy who has cash and is ready to buy it tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 020
You deserved it 5 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You obviously don't know how to raise kids if they managed to vandalize on the car seats.

Hermyoni 0

You Deserve this. A Car is no place for a child to play. You should of had the doors locked and the keys out of reach. Also assuming they used permanent marker they must be young. How did you not see them head outside with markers open the car and draw inside.


Try using some rubbing alcohol or everclear alcohol (ethanol) with some cotten swabs or q-tips... It should get rid of the permanent marker with minimal harm to the leather...

Im glad someone had already said this, I'm astonished at how many comments are being made on how momof2boys 'deserves this' and 'she obviously doesnt know how to raise her kids'? seriously? Do you even have any kids, #2?

I hope you grounded the hell out of them.

Wow YDI for being a lazy inattentive parent my son has never managed to pull anything like that cause we PAY friggin ATTENTION to our child

also sadistmonkey is a ******* idiot who obviously doesn't know the first thing about children

noshitsherlock 0

YDI for not locking and turning on the alarm on your car, and for raising stupid children. "Permanent" ink isn't permanent anyway.

YDI for breeding. Stop being ******* selfish and use condoms. Now go beat those worthless pieces of shit.

I'm thinking before I speak, and I think #47 is retarded.

why is everyone so retareded here? dont remeber being a kid? did u always listen to your parents?

newsgit 0

THIS. Come on, everyone does something bad just for the fun of it sometimes.

Only to a certain point. Properly educated children, who are aware that if they destroy their parents car they'll get grounded, or won't be able to watch their favorite cartoon, or won't be allowed to play with their favorite games for a while and other such punishments, would think twice. Children are much more well-behaved if you have some actual discipline, lay out rules and enforce them. No child is a masochist who will purposefully do something so stupid and gratuitous as this FML for the sake of getting punished. They do it BECAUSE they know they will get away with that, just how they get away with throwing tantrums at walmart, refusing to obey their parents safety rules, and so on the list is long. In other words, your parenting fails.

Ugh! That is the most painful FML I have ever read. trying to sell a car in this economy is already a bitch... oh man I am so sorry