By Profucktardor - 24/01/2014 20:33 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, my university professor admitted to sometimes just winging it when she's teaching. "Yeah," she said, "sometimes I just don't get this stuff either." No wonder I'm failing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 873
You deserved it 3 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pstraka6 20

Ummm you need to contact the Dean IMMEDIATELY. You not getting the grade you deserve over a Professor not even knowing the material is ridiculous. Keep working hard though, it'll all come together! Best of luck

You know what they say. Those who can't do, teach.


You know you have a bad professor when the student has to correct them

That's not how universities work. You're not in school anymore. It's up to you to pass. Lectures are a tiny percentage of that. I graduated summa cum laude with not attending a good few classes ever. If you're failing you haven't understood the concept of third level education.

I never had a professor admit it, but MANY TIMES I knew it was true.

I had an English prof who could barely speak English! Report it!

OP, out of interest, which lecture subject was this in? assuming you go to derby uni as I do too and think I may know who you mean! x

did anyone else notuce it says 5ML at the end? ..