By Tattery - 03/07/2014 23:55 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, my vibrator was in another room and I was too lazy to get it. I was also too lazy to do it manually. It's like I've been married to myself for too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 905
You deserved it 16 126

Tattery tells us more.

I am so chuffed something finally went through, haha. The funniest thing is I actually eventually did so it by hand, then about an hour later, got my vibrator and did it all over again. The other funniest thing is that other than my boyfriend, I can't share my achievement at getting something posted. I'm so pleased but it can't show anyone else, haha.

Top comments

Get a divorce and start a new relationship (maybe with a man)

Sounds like you literally; can't be ******. ;)


dave20012 15

Maybe your hands had a "headache"? :/

I can relate: too lazy to **********. And a man won't help. Another person doesn't know how to... work your body, I guess is the way to say it.

I can relate. I'm too lazy to ********** too. But getting a person may not help anyways. They may not know how to... work you.

They didn't say they didn't feel like getting a person to do it... They said they didn't feel like doing it hand... Really I blame society and your parents for your ignorance... As for the op, if you're posting this from your phone, you can always get one of those apps that makes your phone constantly vibrate, and you'll always have one on hand...

#52 I didn't say she said it. Other people said get a person, I was responding to those comments. Do Not call me ignorant.

#52 And DO NOT say anything about the way my parents raised me. They did a well job on raising 4 kids without any input from you. But you wouldn't know that because you don't know anything about me nor my family. It's people who want to call other people, whom they don't even know "ignorant" and other undermining words, that cause problems on sites like these. So please don't call me, or anyone else on here , for that matter "ignorant" especially when you don't seem to know what that word means yourself. I'm sure those terms are agreeable.

orsombre_fml 11

Time to divorce from yourself!

I am so chuffed something finally went through, haha. The funniest thing is I actually eventually did so it by hand, then about an hour later, got my vibrator and did it all over again. The other funniest thing is that other than my boyfriend, I can't share my achievement at getting something posted. I'm so pleased but it can't show anyone else, haha.

Except now a whole bunch of strangers from all over the world know what you got up to ;-)

I know it's probably weird and possibly creepy but I got all hot (and somewhat aroused) from reading that response. I'm glad to hear that you, uh, "worked it all out" in the end, OP!

Op, 72 is probably the reason we don't share everything with people...

#63 & #73: My apologies to OP and everyone else who read #72 and is about to read it because of this post. That's really embarrassing and I wish I could delete it. I must have been really really tired and just not thinking right or something when I posted that. It was also 2:00 in the morning. So, lesson learned: don't post the first thing that comes to your mind at 2 am, no matter how interesting it sounds in your head.

But you weren't too lazy to share it with everyone... YDI honey.