By Anonymous - 16/07/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, my wife gave me back my camera which she took on vacation to visit her parents with our 2-year old. I noticed the picture sequence had big gaps in the numbering. I ran an undelete on the card, and found 80+ pictures of her naked with another guy in her mom's bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 566
You deserved it 5 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL, tell her to put on a big vacation slideshow and slip in the recovered pictures.

Elizabobble 0

That's terrible. What a *****-ish act.


Your wife is stupid for taking pics like those with YOUR camera

netbeui435 3

put the pics in a safe deposit box. have a come to Jesus talk with the stupid bitch.

never heard of undelete. cool. too bad about the marriage. #9 elizabobble- that's slutty behaviour, not whoreish unless she's being paid.

I like the slide show idea. You should do that. :)

Undelete? ****, I hope my parents never find out about THAT.

I've never really understood why a couple would take pics or video of themselves having sex anyway... somehow the kid (or in this case the cheated spouse) always finds them.

Oh my gosh, and your kid was on that vacation too! And in your mother-in-laws bedroom, that probably means her parents know about it to some extent.