By phatdaddy62 - 18/02/2013 17:23 - United States

Today, my wife mentioned that she wanted to give me a three-way. I was ecstatic, until she opened her right hand, only to reveal a 3-way lightbulb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 815
You deserved it 42 543

phatdaddy62 tells us more.

Im a criminal defense and divorce lawyer. That prank might not have desirable results!

Top comments

At least your wife has a sense of humor!!!

She was just trying to lighten up the mood.


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Your expectations were unrealistic to begin with.

kmorse 14

interesting that there are 69 comments (:

puppykin985 1

all this from the lightbulb isle at the local hardware store

PhishloverA 14

You just got trolled by your own wife.

Generic FML comment: Omg open your right hand and reveal the divorce papers!

Satoaoi 13

oh yeah lol it is happy bday ahah. also light bulbs are hawt

High five your wife! Lol! I don't understand the obsession with threesomes. Boring.

Altrantis 2