By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 07:18 - United States - American Canyon

Today, my wife packed my lunch. Inside of my lunchbox was a photo of her eating my sandwiches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 712
You deserved it 7 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whackingsoup 9

I know what I'm doing next time someone expects me to pack their lunch;)


cl4ptp 18

That's probably a hint to make your own damn sandwiches for work.

Send her a pair of panties and a picture of you eating the pussy of another woman.

at least u have something to "look" forward too

Lol your wife has a sense of humor.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Someone feels unappreciated.

There's probably a reason for that. What's you do to piss her off?

brhu 5

Sandwiches? Not sandwich? That seems a little excessive for lunch.

I'm imagining a big business man going to work with a plastic superman lunchbox.

Neongreenme 8

This is awesome!!!!! You have an awesome wife.

RicanGata91 7

What did you do to her?!? You probable deserved it!