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By Anonymous - 14/04/2011 17:35 - United States

Today, I made my young niece lunch. After she claimed to have eaten it all, she wanted to go out and play. I was putting my shoes on when I found part of the sandwich I made her stuffed in my shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 434
You deserved it 4 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to 'trainer' on how to throw food she's not gonna eat into the bin. ;) Or the compost heap. Hopefully she won't have to 'sneaker' food into hiding places. I'm sure the food was 'boot'iful. Have a 'converse'ation about it, but don't let it turn 'ugg'ly. And all will be well... ington.

lol something tells me your a bad lunch maker


lol something tells me your a bad lunch maker

ohthebloodygore 16

1, not necessarily. My son will dump his food anywhere if he's in a hurry to go play or something. Regardless of whether he is still hungry or the food tasted good/bad. Kids are impatient.

Somedood117 0

10- I'm pretty sure he was making a joke...

A7X_LoVeee 10
Monikabug 9

Precious is right, kids are impatient. They have one-track minds and will do whatever it takes to be allowed to play. This doesn't mean the OP makes bad sandwiches. Plus, who doesn't like their momma's cooking? Honestly. Oh lord. I'm not looking forward to all of the sammich jokes to follow. *Hides behind #10's comment*

ShadyFTW1 0

Haha wow 10, judging from your profile you have some serious rage issues. And the chick on the right looks like a rabid hyena, so I'm guessing that's you.

teddygraham1 1

22- OP isn't the parent. They say "young niece" in the first sentence. And we also don't know if OP is even female.

Monikabug 9

Aha - of course. I was meaning to say Aunt, though now that I think of it, it could be an uncle. No one likes their uncle's cooking. >.>

staceysgenesis16 0

i say stuff her ass in the shoe then see how she likes it in there ..

bitch you better get in that kitchen learn how to make a sandwich

giantsfan2010 23

Hahaha I did the same thing when I was a kid.

1) bring her back in 2) ground her 3) time-out in the corner 4) ????? 5) profit

thats kids for you....... very eager to play, doesnt necessarily mean OP's sandwich was awful

kiakia0131 23

haha I remember doing that only I hid my vitamins lol.

but they were yummy! I loved the vitamin c ones coz they tasted like oranges :)

DoubleL4567 0

you found pieces of her sandwich in your shoe. how is this an FML?

You need to 'trainer' on how to throw food she's not gonna eat into the bin. ;) Or the compost heap. Hopefully she won't have to 'sneaker' food into hiding places. I'm sure the food was 'boot'iful. Have a 'converse'ation about it, but don't let it turn 'ugg'ly. And all will be well... ington.