By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 03:19 - United States

Today, my wife posted on Facebook, "FUCK THA POLICE!" She got 40 likes. I'm a police officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 435
You deserved it 10 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for being a cop. I hope you ******* die you stupid pig.

**** the police. stop arresting high school kids for pot cuz you have nothin else to do and start arresting real criminals.

Yeah, my first thought was totally, "Uh....suggestion! Hello?!" I refuse to believe that your wife is that hateful or really, even, that dumb.

ha ha did you cuff he and make her do what she said.

Maybe if you were to do your job and stop criticizing theirs you wouldn't have this problem. Cuz I'm pretty sure that your job description does not include police critic.

OceanBlueSea 12

Hangover 2, duh. It's a quote. Lol

aimegirl 5

i believe that means she wants to f*ck you...