By Mouhahaa - 09/05/2012 03:48 - France

Today, my wife stabbed my hand with a fork, making it bleed. I'd only tried to take some fries from her plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 405
You deserved it 379

Top comments

Rule #331 Do not take food from a womans plate.

Never take food from a woman's plate or anyone's plate without asking. Especially when she's armed!


Totally agree OP, your life sucks. If she did that to me id stab her right back, they're only fries for gods sake, chill

deransc 19

Don't try for food on a fat girl's plate!

I cannot understand why so many people said YDI. Apparently 18000 people feel that taking fries off your wife's/husband's/friend's plate means that you without doubt DESERVE to be stabbed in the hand so hard that you bleed. Sometimes it really doesn't surprise me that people convicted of adultery are being stoned to death in the Middle East/Africa. People's sense of the punishment having to fit the crime seem to be ridiculously distorted.

It's not like we have room to go into detail on the vote... I voted YDI as well. Sure, he didn't deserve a fork in his hand - but assuming he grabbed her food without asking is really rude, especially if you don't usually do that in a relationship. I don't mind sharing food, but I have to want to share. Not have someone steal fries, then end up being 'hungry', or wanting the fries I don't have anymore. People can take away all they want, but not until I say so. I'm more the person to go 'oh, I want to taste your meat. Can I have some? Do you want some of mine then?' only make that mistake once..lesson well learned.

i hate it badly when somebody touches my food plate. i would've stabed you in the head woth my fork. YDI.