By sissydlk - 02/12/2010 15:54 - United States

Today, my wonderful boyfriend asked me if I wanted him to cook me scrambled eggs with sausage for breakfast. When I said yes, he pulled out his junk, and started shaking it violently in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 276
You deserved it 10 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I hope you scrambled his eggs with a sharp scrotal slap.

gusgus36 5

haha whatever, he's just kidding around... you can't use the word "sausage" with a guy and expect them to not say something like that lol


justbigbs 6

HAHAHA SORRY BUT WAS FUNNY. read more dirty jokes and he can't catch you if there is a next time. Either you choose him as your boyf. Guys don't choose gals, gals choose guys, if f@#$ up its on you

kay if can't laugh at this shit somettimes than u are just plain dumb.

gigi03 5

Too funny I got I try it now lol

this Fml makes me laugh all the time. one of my favorites.

Ohhh baby baby Lalalalalalala;)) Jk: I'd dump him

marryjaneex0 7

hahahahaha, thanks for the laugh OP ! but goddamn some of you just have no sense of humor, lighten up.