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By omgwhyme - 08/01/2012 14:36 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me for a blow job. After I said "no" over ten times, he decided to get up and slap me across the face with his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 452
You deserved it 49 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently she didn't feel like doing it you selfish ********...girls don't always have to want penis in their mouth


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Grab the vacuum cleaner and the hose and suck his penis with that!!! Wait... What?

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KayleeBeth 0

Maybe she just didn't want to...

OP you deserve it if you didn't do something about it. You should have smashed his balls for that !!!

FunwithBumperCar 0

Better yet she should get a strap on and chase him around with it.

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If that asshole thinks that a relationship is only about having sex, then you should dump him.

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You know, at least it's less confusing when you're slapped by a hand. In this case, how do you know whether to take him seriously or not.

Horcruxer 0

Angry people! If you all feel that bad about it, just keep a big black ***** on deck.

HubbaBubba259_fml 0

Get him a iron underwear that only you have the key to! Won't slap your face now...

tattooedcowboy 6

Thats why i got into a relationship lol

tattooedcowboy 6
shaubygal 11

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AlaskanEskimo34 0

What a dick. I feel like he's that only child that's not used to someone saying no to him.

SecretMe00 5

Ya I wouldn't put up with a guy like that!

Or agree to give him a BJ, and then use teeth.

shaggy8778 4

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monkeysareyummy 0
Ballin8864 4

Bite his dick really hard. :)

OP should've blown on his dick and said "there, I gave you a bj"

Horcruxer 0

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109- How long have you been waiting to say that?

It hurts more when you punch men in the balls. Just FYI.

Oh I figured it'd hurt more if you punched women in the balls. thanks for clearing up the confusion

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FunwithBumperCar 0

I believe he is referencing the film "The Other Guys"

Oh, good. At first I thought he wanted an alligator on his penis.

brianfantana32 10

Is it just me or did that comment make no sense at all

nofearjenshere 12

Sounds like he's sexually frustrated.

He can just get a hooker then or do it himself if he's so desperate. If she says no he needs to respect that.

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crazy_whitechick 6

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crazy_whitechick 6

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lucyinthesky420 10

43- you're a horrible person.

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Sexual_predator and markymark - Why don't you shove grenades up each others' asses and try to fart The 1812 Overture, you worthless ******* excuses for trolls. Comments like yours are not welcomed here. **** off.

06rubiandrea_fml 5

I agree- although assholes is more like it

If this was the middle east you'd have just been stoned. And you'r fat.

Really,107? Because I'm from a country from there and I've never seen them stone anyone before... Especially for being fat or refusing to give a blowie. Where did you get such ideas from? Your ass? I'll gladly help you by chopping it off for you. It'll end your dumb idea era :) you're welcome.

I don't understand people who judge others like this... It's just free hatred and there is no point in it... When people attack on physic, it just means that they have no real argument. That kind of behaviors show your weakness, your stupidity and nothing else !

Just because you're a ginger doesn't mean you have to be angry the whole time. Just a tip from one bro to another.

autumnisintheair 7

I agree with her, and I'm a brunette. What now?

She's not a "bro". And hair color has nothing to do with it being unacceptable to use violence when you don't get your way.

quite_bored 9

Am I the only one thinking OP's boyfriend was just messing around and everyone is taking this way too serious?

vadim14 3

You're fat I didn't even bother reading your comment nobody cares what you have to say.

KentuckyRebel92 8

Thank you. Everyone over reacts so much these days. He was probably just joking.. Geez...

boardforlife 0

I think ur overweight and ugly so u couldn't get a boyfriend anyway

A dick slap to the face is no joking matter.

drller331 4

Maybe she shoulda just sucked it????

Alex_7759 13
GoW_Chick 14

Well he blew his chances, now it's going to be hard to get another, I bet he's feeling blue.

Blow him off next time he asks you for anything

xSonic 9

Too many puns! It's so hard to think of one! My head's about to explode......wait I got one coming. Ah nvm, it passed. Guess I'll just limp away now.

Wow...dump him. If he has no respect that you don't want to do it. Then he's nor worth your time.

Am I the only one taking this as a joke he's making rather than an actual disrespectful thing?

That's when you smack his junk and say "bad dog".

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brianfantana32 10


The stupidity of your life barely deserves a reply!