By Noname - 15/10/2009 22:14 - United States

Today, my younger sister's dog broke its leg. The vets are closed today so instead of going on a date with a girl I have been trying to get for at least 2 years, I need to carry an 80 lb. dog that hates me, up and down the stairs. I already got bit twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 560
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well at least you helped your younger sisters dog, and maybe if you explain the situation to the girl, she will understand

satanstoystore 0

explain it to the girl. w/o complaining. you will win points. btw, a broken leg is an emergency. vet hospitals have emergency numbers.


I understand you are upset that you missed your date, but you really did not take a dog to the vet right away that had a broken leg??????????? A known broken leg? I get not knowing it was broken, but you and your sister knew, and you refused to give him medical treatment. I am also having a hard time understanding why you were carrying it up and down stairs. Why would you wait for medical treatment? There are other vets in your area, Im positive of that. Do you understand that that is animal cruelty? Apparently you do not. Would you like to hang around with a broken leg because of your father or mother being to arrogant to take you to the doctor? I know I would have wanted to when I broke mine. I am extremely disgusted with you. You are a selfish bastard like another poster said. That probably is an understatement actually. You totally deserved those bites, you asshole.

read the fml again assfuckinghole. it said the vet is closed, so he can't ******* take it there. if ur gonna be an insensitive bitch then karma and gtfo of fml

JML210 6

there are emergancy vets open every day for situations like this

I assume he'd be carrying it up and down the stairs because it still needed to go outside to relieve itself...

That poor dog! You do realize that, even when vet clinics are closed theyhave emergency services? I think a broken leg counts as an emergency. No wonder you got bitten, it was probably in agony every time you picked it up!

In your next life, you will be rich, indeed.

maybe you should invite the girl over so she can see how much of a nice guy you are for helping your family. if she doesn't understand than the he'll with her. remember when life gives you some lemons...make lemonade...invite her over.

Fake. They have 24 hour emergency hospitals for animals just like humans. In addition to that, any animal with two broken legs isn't going to let you get close enough to it to pick it up if it doesn't like you. 1. The vet has an emergency number and I assume that you probably have a 24 hour vet near you. (Most places do. Keep calling until you find one.) 2. Why not keep the damned dog downstairs? 3. If the dog bites, why do you keep it?

zach055 23

You should have gone on the date with the girl.

This is impossible. Or you're completely dumb. There isn't a day when all the vets are closed, it's like doctors or drugstores, there's always one opened for the emergencies.

Why do you need to carry it around? Move the food bowls to it. And if it bites you, bop it on the head. Punish the animal when it does something wrong, or it will keep on biting you whenever it pleases.