By Sherlock - 03/02/2010 16:02 - France

Today, my youngest son had to have stitches on his chin. He did great; I passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 528
You deserved it 7 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeez, people. Obviously, none of you have kids who have been injured and/or sensitivity to blood and wounds. People faint at the sight of blood sometimes, or they get upset and overwhelmed when their kid has been hurt. I say FYL, OP. But at least your son got through it.


fyl. I hope he didn't tell you to man up. that was rough enough.

Everyone is freaking out and saying she is lame Mabey she was worried her son would get hurt it something would go wrong she is a mother after all or Mabey she just didn't like blood my brother cracked his head open and needed 23 stiches and some head glue thingy and I cried he didn't and I fainted after there was too much blood

Hey, don't feel bad OP. When I had to get stitches, I flipped out, and my best friend and escort to the urgent care was laughing her head off. Good times ;)

yellow minion 14

once time my brother got a blood test and the nurse was being mean so I fainted.