By Sherlock - 03/02/2010 16:02 - France

Today, my youngest son had to have stitches on his chin. He did great; I passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 528
You deserved it 7 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeez, people. Obviously, none of you have kids who have been injured and/or sensitivity to blood and wounds. People faint at the sight of blood sometimes, or they get upset and overwhelmed when their kid has been hurt. I say FYL, OP. But at least your son got through it.


Eh, I had two sets of stitches in my life. 27 in my cheek and four in the back of my knee. My dad almost passed out for one, my mom for the other. And she's a nurse, so she's seen much worse stuff. It's totally different when it's your own kid or someone you care about, and it doesn't matter how bad ass you think you are. If it's your child, you never know how you'll react in a situation like this until you're there. I mean, my mom was able to watch my dad's head get sewn back up, but it made her sick to watch them pull a cyst out of the back of my knee and get it stitched up. It all depends on the situation and the person. Not an FML, but no reason to feel bad or emasculated by it.

echarperouge 0

Haha, don't feel too bad. When my brother and I were little, he had to get stitches after running into an escalator- Mum fainted and I was the one holding his hand while he got stitches. =P

Diannaa 0

Haha, a little squeemish are we? :)

don't feel too bad, my mom passed out when i got a staph infection lanced

There's a great way to be a good role model, bub. You know that your family is never gonna let you live this down, right?

Don't worry about, it's not like your the only one who faints at the sight of blood. I might have to or at least came close to it.

crazyb56 0

total fail, how can you pass out I mean it is a complete mistery to me