By Anonymous - 31/03/2012 07:03 - United States - Puyallup

Today, on my way to see my therapist, my father told me to lie to her and tell her that I'm happy so he wouldn't have to drive me there anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 795
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments


p3mguin 7

At least he will be saving gas money. That's expensive now a days EDIT 6 said the same thing but it really is.

maybe the therapist is 20 km away frm ur house.

SkittlesPhotos 0

Your dad's nice. If you need to get help, he should help by driving.

Wow. Is he the reason you need therapy?

skyeyez9 24

If your dad cancels your sessions, you need to find a hobby to keep your mind occupied. Get a pet if allowed, they are proven to lower blood pressure and help with depression. A dog is more affectionate than a cat and love you unconditionally. A hobby like crocheting where you have to focus will take your mind off everything except concentrating on the stitches you are making.

I have cats and they are very affectionate, so I wouldn't say that dogs are MORE affectionate than them. From what I've seen, dogs are more playful than cats, not affectionate. Also, I don't think cats wouldn't love you unconditionally... However, it's different for each pet.

Both of you are wrong... it depends on the pet itself... all animals are unique and have their own personalities.

sensoon15 7

That's when you tell your therapist that your father makes you cry everyday and you're scared.

Oh my goodness, what terrible parenting! How can you be so lazy and unconcerned that you want your child to fake being well so that you don't have to get off you can and drive the child to the place where he or she can get help? No wonder you are in therapy, OP. Tell your therapist immediately what transpired in the car. He or she will be able to help you deal. Now you know that he is only concerned with himself, not you, so this will temper any advice he ever gives you. It will all be about the easy way out for him, and not what is best for you. Forewarned is forarmed. Learn from my mistake; I kept wanting to believe that my parents had changed, that each time would be 'different' and this would be the time they really wanted things to go well for me. It never happened. I kept falling into the same trap over and over until I finally accepted that I was never going to be a priority for them and moved on. Once they saw I wasn't falling for their bullcrap anymore, they got pissed and then just gave me the silent treatment, which was a blessing. Hang in there. Be strong, be proud, take care of yourself first.

linkinpark98 23

My iPhone wouldn't let me thumbs this comment up. :/