By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 07:03 - United States

Today, on the train, I was bitten by a homeless man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 722
You deserved it 4 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ahhh shit....the zombie apocalypse has started. you're one of the first victims. I hope everyone has their shotguns ready!

lolol_BKYCHO 3

This post actually made my life a little bit better!

fakeaccountX 6

Get a tetanus shot. And a rabies shot. Hell, get an EVERYTHING shot.

FMLandurstoo 9

You better get a rabies shot OP.

oh no ur gonna turn in2 a zombie the worlds obviously gonna end in a zombie apocolypse

xratedtaco 0
liyah0618 0

You better go get a shot. That's disgusting!!