By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 07:03 - United States

Today, on the train, I was bitten by a homeless man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 724
You deserved it 4 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments


get checked out! seriously go to doc asafp not joking!

I for one welcome our new zombie underlords.

Human bites are the most dangerous kind, to other humans. Get your ass to a doctor NOW, before a serious infection gets a chance to take hold!

Dillandinator 0

Dude! Haven't you seen Zombieland? We're all screwed now,thanks asshole...

******* careless bitch ! rule one my friend cardio! the fatties go first!

HOMELESS ZOMBIE!!! Reminds me of Gangs of the Dead…

Dillandinator 0

Dude! Haven't you seen Zombieland? We're all screwed now,thanks asshole...

Mariebel 0

poor homeless man, you must've tasted disgusting. Probably too bitchy for his taste.

thamavrikx7 0

lol that's how zombieland started out