By ManagerWithoutRespect - 05/12/2016 05:14 - Canada - Saint Albert

Today, one of my co-workers threw a piece of garbage at the waste bin beside me. When it missed, he said, "Aw, I missed the garbage... and the bin beside it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 937
You deserved it 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you respond with: "Shut up Carl, this is why your wife left you"

hes just trying to be funny. dont take it personally op.


At my last job we could easily say such things to each other because we had a really good team spirit and joking around with each other. But if you are not so close that you are like friends then it's deeply unprofessional and definitely not okay.

ollygollymolly 6

Jesus Christ, i'm 24, have had a job since i was 13, and no matter what type of job i've had there has always been friendly banter, YDI for being insulted for one little snide comment. If we are talking about coworkers that repeadeately belittle and insult you at every chance, that is totally different, that is bullying and i get that can be tough. But one little light insult and you not only take it to heart, but are actually pathetic enough to run to a website to whine about it. Honestly you are trash, YDI.

A good comeback would've been "Awww, you missed the garbage? Good thing you are only 5 steps from it. (Pick up the bin and take it to him) Here's the garbage in its bin, give it a good hug whenever you want, and you can take it home when you leave. The bin has to stay in the office though."

Lol everyone gets so butthurt about an obvious joke