By Anonymous - 07/01/2015 17:07 - Canada - Tracadie

Today, one of my friends posted on Facebook saying if you're held up at an ATM, putting your PIN in backwards will alert the cops. I pointed out it's an urban legend, and asked how it'd work if their PIN was the same backwards. He drove over and beat the crap out of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 865
You deserved it 6 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Sounds like your friend has more problems than worrying about being robbed at the ATM. Actually, he may be the robber at the ATM.

juststephhere 23

They sound so lovely! Remind me why they are your friend?


maverick1752 16

That's what the free healthcare is for, eh?

Ah hometown New Brunswick such a friendly place

Well that wasn't very nice! You need to find a new friend lol A more mentally stable friend!

ADBurns 22

Issues... He definitely has issues.. Also He's fecking gullible to.. Oh. And a Dick...

"Friend". You need to cut him out of your life, seriously.

Obviously the only way a pin # could be the same (forward & backward) is if it was 0000,1111,2222, ie all the same #. So you did have a valid point, he just didn't like to be told how stupid he could be & felt he should beat you up instead of himself for using all the same digits....I'd still call the authorities & have him arrested for assault & battery. Some people (bullies/abusers like him) need to be taught (by the law) that it's NOT ok to lash out on others due to their own ignorance.

What a friend. That must have been very PINful.