By shrdlu - 22/12/2011 22:05 - United States

Today, our dog peed on nearly all the wrapped gifts under our Christmas tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 236
You deserved it 5 155

shrdlu tells us more.

shrdlu 28

Nobody else'll want 'em now anyway.

Top comments

blackstar994 5
ThatLooksSticky 16

#19, that's not the bright's the brown side.


Be thankful they were wrapped!! It's cheaper to re-wrap than buy new gifts!!

Let the presents dry and mask the spell with perfume?

People who have pets need to be more careful about this kinda thing! When we had cats, they'd always either crawl under & pretend to be gifts, climb it or rip the ornaments off as if it were a giant cat toy. Fortunately there's an "OFF" spray you can use (smells like vinegar or sour green apples) that most pets find repulsive enough to stay away from

That's why I wait until Christmas to put them under the tree.

AUGH! My dog did that 2 years ago. I almost shot him!

I suggest anger management classes if you were going to shoot a dog for pissing on a few presents. Abusive pet-owner much? :O

Narwhal234 6

That's what you get for having a dog ... I just have to rewrap because my cat shredded the paper.

hateevryone 14

that's why dogs need to be in cages.

lemonsquid 6

Maybe that's How you make yellow wrapping paper....

brick_man33 14

ah, the gift that keeps on giving.