By shrdlu - 22/12/2011 22:05 - United States

Today, our dog peed on nearly all the wrapped gifts under our Christmas tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 236
You deserved it 5 155

shrdlu tells us more.

shrdlu 28

Nobody else'll want 'em now anyway.

Top comments

blackstar994 5
ThatLooksSticky 16

#19, that's not the bright's the brown side.


That sucks. Hopefully the presents aren't damaged on the inside

Track1991 0

Goooo! That's nasty. You better beat that dogs ass, that's terrible.

My dog does that every dang year. We actually put a tarp over it. Sorry OP id cover everything with a towel. Sucks :/

1kiki81 6

He's probably mad cuz u didn't get him any.

I wonder who was more pissed off, you or the gifts.