By WittyMoron - 01/07/2015 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, our family dog died. A couple of hours after the death, my mother-in-law slapped my crying five year old son over the head and told him to "Man up." She totally refuses to admit she did anything wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 873
You deserved it 2 191

WittyMoron tells us more.

I told my wife that was completely unacceptable, and as some people said, I took the high road in not slapping her back. I began an argument with my wife about it, and it got a bit intense. I told her that her mother could not come back, and she got quite angry. I went into the living room and began to cry. This is what gets me. What she did taught him the wrong thing. My son came in, said "Man up, daddy!" and tried to slap me, but he's little so it didn't hurt. But anyway, I got even more furious that he had learnt something from it. The argument ensued. Things are a bit cold. Sleeping on the sofa now but I told my son it's okay to be upset. Buried the dog, and needless to say my MIL is not invited back for a little while.

Top comments


That would be the last time my MIL was welcome in my house. 1) for hitting my child. No one disciplines my child but his parents. (He's 3 so school situations do not apply currently) 2) No one and I mean no one will ever be aloud to talk to my child like that, especially while he is little and in front of me.

sandman19 11

Slap her over and over until she is not talking anymore :)

vicky_P 3

Crying whether in mourning or otherwise is very healthy. Men should learn to process their emotions and experience them. MIL Should not be allowed to see your son (and be forced to watch Inside Out on a loop until she gets it)

I know what exactly you are thinking OP. Wish the mother-in-law was dead instead of dog.

Sounds like your husband needs to have a serious talk with his mother about what is acceptable and not acceptable in your house and when it comes to your children. What she did is SO not okay. On many levels.

Slap the shit out of her. See how she likes it.

That's when you look at your spouse and say "she goes or the kid and I do."

I just read the follow-up of the wife defending her mom after the OP and her got into an heated argument. She's also punishing OP by making him sleep on the couch. In my opinion, he should leave with the boy. That would be a deal-breaker in a relationship or marriage for me!

I would. Kill. Her. My son loves his dogs and if my MIL did that, it would be the last time she saw him.

ajs1987 15

I am a 28 year old man, and when my Mom's dog had to be put down a couple months ago, I cried. I feel no shame about having cried either, I love that dog very much and it was a very sad time for my family and I. If a man isn't supposed to cry at the loss of a beloved furry family member, then I guess I'm not a man and I don't ever want to be one.