By WittyMoron - 01/07/2015 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, our family dog died. A couple of hours after the death, my mother-in-law slapped my crying five year old son over the head and told him to "Man up." She totally refuses to admit she did anything wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 873
You deserved it 2 191

WittyMoron tells us more.

I told my wife that was completely unacceptable, and as some people said, I took the high road in not slapping her back. I began an argument with my wife about it, and it got a bit intense. I told her that her mother could not come back, and she got quite angry. I went into the living room and began to cry. This is what gets me. What she did taught him the wrong thing. My son came in, said "Man up, daddy!" and tried to slap me, but he's little so it didn't hurt. But anyway, I got even more furious that he had learnt something from it. The argument ensued. Things are a bit cold. Sleeping on the sofa now but I told my son it's okay to be upset. Buried the dog, and needless to say my MIL is not invited back for a little while.

Top comments


There's a reason mother-in-law is an anagram for woman hitler

aimeeturoczy 1

I would of screamed at mine if she did that.

Lost my dog a year ago and still get really sad when I run across an old picture or something unexpectedly

what would she do if a loved family member died, celebrate?

I would sit down with your son and tell him a) That it is perfectly okay to cry, it's not unmanly and he doesn't need to be ashamed of it. And, b) If you do decide to still allow him contact with your MIL, to tell you if she ever does something like that again. I your MIL thinks that kind of behaviour is acceptable, there's no reason why she wouldn't do it again. I personally wouldn't let him near her until she apologizes (sincerely), but that's just me.

she shouldnt be near that child at all, unless someone is there since she cant be trusted. shes already slapped him ,god knows what esle she will do.

The fact you didn't smack her back means you took the high road, honestly I don't know how I'd react if my MIL did that to my son. You need to have a serious talk with her, and your son. This whole boys have no feelings, suck it up cultural attitude just needs to end. All humans have emotions, and dealing with them instead of pushing them down is healthy. Hitting on the other hand... even my 3 year old knows that isn't OK.

Mother in law needs to be banned from contact with your child until she understands and makes a sincere apology for her actions.

That bitch. How could she do that to a little kid? :(