By Eisenhorn - 10/06/2015 17:55 - United States

Today, our mouse problem finally started to go away. Now we have a snake problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 629
You deserved it 2 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't take care of that problem it'll just come back to bite you in the end

Sounds to me a little like how The old lady who swallowed a fly story goes. Who knows what's coming in next.


There is just so much NOPE in that house. The second a spider showed up, that house would be burning down asap.

JayVicious 20

might i suggest king snakes?

Jader1225 0

Ahhhhhhh! Time to burn the house down.

Snake repellents may help you, great name op