By onedollar - 24/07/2010 21:56 - Venezuela

Today, someone gave me 13 dollar bills. I rejected one because I'm very superstitious about the unlucky 13. Later, I waited half an hour in the car for someone to bring me exactly 1 dollar because I did not have enough for the parking fee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 690
You deserved it 65 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time ask for a rabbit's foot while throwing salt over your shoulder and walking under a ladder, all while a black cat crosses in front of you. On Friday the 13th. Superstition is for idiots who don't understand statistics.


Superstitious people are fun to **** with.

you are an idiot- this made no ******* sense

YDI because being superstitious shows you lack the ability for logical thought.

I was going to say something to this effect, as well. Superstition has no basis in reason whatsoever. There's a difference between reasonable and abjectly provable, but superstition doesn't even meet the reasonable standard.

ironic or what,at least ya got a gud story to tell

In a way OP got it right. It was his superstition of the number 13 that ****** him over.

I was born on Friday the thirteenth and I've been nothing but lucky my entire life!

Archaon_fml 0

When someone offers u money, u take it