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By Whateversz - 24/07/2010 19:59 - Netherlands

Today, when I took a nap on the couch, a spider crawled into my mouth. How do I know? My boyfriend filmed it and laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 055
You deserved it 3 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshSalad 1

Spiders are good in Salads... >.>

ArtIsResistance7 1

YouTube it! You can market it as Spiderman 4: Spidey vs. Wenchosaurus!


Indyy_lew_lew 0

that's awful!! time for a new bf op(:

The average person eats 8 spiders in their life when asleep.

and the average boyfriend films the consumption of an average of 8 of those spiders, earning him an average of 100,000 hits on YouTube

^ And the internet lies. Aghhh FYL OP! I would be so mad haha

YDI for sleeping... just kidding that sucks

haha that's funny lol. common he was just intrigued give him a break lol. plus it's not like the spider did any physical harm to you so big deal lol suck it up :P

#16 just because something isn't physically harming doesn't mean it can't be traumatic.

#17 true. but I don't see how a spider can be traumatic in any way whatsoever. granted most people carry a phobia of them they still aren't that big of a deal. all Im saying is there's no need to fly off the handle and dump the guy just cuz he was filming something that is actually kind of comical.

Umm well I'll be honest, I'd be somewhat traumatized haha. I'm not afraid of very many things but I nearly have a panic attack whenever I see a spider. Idk, if I watched a video of myself eating a spider in my sleep I'd be kinda freaked out :O

yeah he might be making a web In your tummy :P haha :)

Or maybe make baby spiders in your belly D:

then they crawl back out of your mouth one night and u look like a crazy spiderperson lol :P

that really sucks. but can i plz see vid =D.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

NUMBER 7 IS CORRECT. That fact was on the all knowing Snapple caps.

I hate spiders so much. Can anyone say deal breaker? Disgusting.

That was supposed to be a reply to #16 but something got ****** up.

FreshSalad 1

#39 Sorry, but you and #7 are wrong

MrCalves 1

bear grylls doesn't think this is a fml

tienjt 3

I believe the "eating 8 spiders in your sleep in a lifetime" fact was made to see how people would believe anything on the internet was true. How the hell would you prove it true anyway?

chuk_norris_fml 0

they probably record the life of like 100 people and then have thousands of analysts review the tapes and count the number of times a person ate a spider. then they take the average, and voila! thats how they know the average person eats 8 spiders in his lifetime

an average of 8 spiders is true renmbr average not evryone and it is proven because alot of people sleep with their mouth open and spiders love dark wet places and they crawl down your throat and eventualy get consumed u won't even notice unless you wake up with one in your mouth then your SOL

this is by far the funniest post in the last month!!! your BF is a genus hahahahah

TheEricCartman 0

No, someone wanted to study internet gullibility so they sent that statement across the internet to see how many people would believe that. Source: Several professors.

gabbielove 0

were the spiders dead when you woke up?

oogie_boggie 0

i have a phobia of spiders and i heard that thing about the the average spiders that go in ur mouth is 8 but i thought that was fake im scared now.... eight legs eight eyes ughh freakin myself out

KiddNYC1O 20

apparently so do you #6 lol

18: It is fake. Check out the Snopes link up in the first thread.

gummibloo 0

That is a good douche your dating!

FreshSalad 1

Spiders are good in Salads... >.>

Salads with spiders sound pretty good.Do you have the recipe?

FreshSalad 1

Of course! Who doesn't?!?!

Oh Jesus one time I found a dead fly in my salad mix and I screamed so loud

Oh Jesus one time I found a dead fly in my salad mix and I screamed so loud

ahhaha omgg i would put that on youtube but try to close your mouth when your sleeping and a good bf would wake you up before it would get in your mouth

ashrandom 0
ArtIsResistance7 1

YouTube it! You can market it as Spiderman 4: Spidey vs. Wenchosaurus!

zach55 0

I heard that that happens about at least four times in your lifetime. or somewhere around four times...

zach55 0

maybe it was eight like 17 said...idk but it's apparently true.

Actually it's about 5 times a year, I think.

I heard it was about a pound in your lifetime but that could just be bugs in general idk

It's all ridiculous. How would anyone discover or prove that fact? And the average should vary vastly according to where and how you live-- living in a doorless hut in the African bush would theoretically raise the average, but sleeping in the exact same place, only under a mosquito net would drastically lower it. Snorers or people with sinus issues would have a higher average than closed-mouth sleepers in the same house. It's just silly to trust info like that. There's a link to how the story started up in the first thread. It's a rather enlightening article about how people will believe anything on the internet.

zanesaurus 0

Actually it was on a Snapple cap which makes it true. :P

True statement. But the BF thing was a bit funny. If the spider wasn't harmless, then atleast your bf has a sense of cruel humour.

Ha! I wouldn't slapped him right across the head! FYL OP, you should get him back. :] P.S I accidentally hit the "you deserved it" button, stupid touch screen phones but I mean that your life sucks.